Monday, May 11, 2015

DIY Cruise Control

The aim of this DIY was not meant to create a cruise control function for my bike per se, but actually to just hold the throttle for me while the bike warms up. I somehow ended up with a cruise control function on my bike… looking at the many ways of making a cruise control function on the bike I discovered this by accident and testing it today, all I can say is… cool…. (can you say Right Hand Freedom?)

Things you need:
1.       Small L shaped bracket (you can get this at MR DIY if you are in Malaysia for 3 bucks for 5 pcs)
2.       A hose clamp large enough to fit your throttle grip
3.       Screw drivers and wrenches
4.       Shears or very sharp cutters
5.       Hammer

1.       Rubber strap (in case your grips are slippery)

How to do this:
Step 1: Figure out whats what
You will be using the screw hole where the throttle cable mount on the throttle housing is. From here, figure out how to bend the L bracket into a sorta reversed C.

Before you bend it, insert the hose clamp and do not tighten it down yet (if you wanna  be anal about it then tighten it down halfway).

Now, the bolt of the hose clamp is going to rest on the L bracket that you are going to bend. So, here are some things to keep in mind.
1.       The bent L bracket must not in any way interfere with the throttle (it shouldn’t be scraping on the throttle when you button it up.
2.       The L bracket and the bolt of the hose clamp must be a snug fit.

Step 2: Start bending
From here on, start bending the brackets and mock it up until you are happy with it.
Once you are happy with the fitment, remove the throttle cable mount screw and place the L shape (now C shaped) bracket and button up everything.

Step 3: Screw shit up
NOW you can start tightening the hose clamp.
Everytime you do ensure that it is loose enough to move but tight enough not to roll the throttle back on its own.

At this point in time, if you feel your throttle is too slippery, then slide in the rubber strap in (it can even be a cut up tyre tube) to make a little resistance.

Step 4: Snip time!
Get your shears out and cut off the remainder material from the hose clamp.
This is very important because if you don’t and you let her rip, the tail of the hose clamp may jam on the C bracket and you die! Or even worse, you mess up your bike really badly… then you should die!

Once you cut it off, you can’t possibly have a clean cut because of the shears (unless you used a dremel you cheater!), use a small flathead screwdriver and wedge it into the left over part as close to the bolt as you can.

Using the hammer, beat the outer part of the screw driver and you will see the little nub bend in flush to the throttle.

Now ur safe

Step 5: Test it out
Go for a test ride!
Bring a screwdriver or wrench along to adjust the tightness of the cruise control.
Throttle up to 100kmh (60 mph) and lock it down by pressing down on the hose clamp.

Results table for the above test:
1.       Rolls back down – tighten it until it stops
2.       Cant press down – loosen it till it moves
3.       Cant get the middle point of either tightening or loosening it – insert rubber inserts
4.       Same as number 3 even with rubber inserts – check your hands.. you are probably a retard
5.       C bracket is pushed back by the force of the throttle – try a harder material L bracket.
6.       You get into an accident – you need to focus on the road.

The ideal results is to throttle to 100kmh, stay there, and when you are done, just roll down the throttle to release the cruise control.

Step 6: Go scare some riders:

Go riding around like normal, engage the cruise control and release your right hand while overtaking them from the left…. Enjoy the WTF stares

Metal L Bracket

Hose Clamp

Top View of Hose Clamp

Positioning of C Bracket 

Here Is Where It Is Mounted

Close Up View of The Installed Item

By Vy

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