Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Since the weekend before I was sick, I couldn't do anything, the next week I was prepping as much things as I could. Feeling better by Wednesday, I started sanding down things and preparing what I needed to. Every night when I came home I would lock myself in the little store room of my apartment and start sanding away, first with the fiber putty, then the gloss filler, then the primer. Obviously professionals would advise you to do all this sanding work in a well ventilated area, wear goggles and a dust filter on your face. What do professionals know eh??!! Bwahahaha (that's just my excuse for forgetting to wear a dust filter.. hope I don't die young).

On Friday Unnamed_Artist and I had started painting the stuff that needed painting except the tank. By Saturday the tank was painted. There are decals on it… but I haven’t removed the masking as I have been busy. Been showing symptoms of slight poisoning from all the dust and fumes I have been smelling… but knowing suffering lets you know you're alive!

On Sunday, I had completed the carb relocation work. Seems the pipe I had that had originally melted had enough space left for me to cut off the melted part and join it to the intake connector. Also managed to install the swingarm, install the wheels and align them, touch up all the paint that needed touching up, and relocate all the wiring properly.

Now all I need is to install the rear lights, get the indicator up and running, wire the special breaklight wiring.

At home, I had started on the cardboard template for the seat pan, if things go well, I don't have to sit on rolled bars and kill my ass. But that's to come.

So the race begins where it's a race against time. I have until Friday (actually, I ONLY have Friday seeing how I have a day job) to button up everything and get the bike out of there as the renovators are coming and was told to toss everything. At least the wife was nice enough to give me one more week (day) to complete my work.

My friend Ciprian was telling me.. its like the great biker buildoff.. wish me luck

By Vy

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